Offertory Reading for Sabbath, September 14, 2024

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver,” 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV.

Texas Conference online giving link: AdventistGiving. You can search for your local church on the AdventistGiving main website or return your tithes and give your offerings in a tithe envelope at church. Together As One, let’s be cheerful givers to further God’s work in Texas and worldwide.

The Offertory Reading begins here in English and Spanish.
Scroll down for the Sabbath Offering graphics.

This week’s offering is for:

World Budget (Emphasis: Radio Ministries)

If you’ve been feeling like the radio is antiquated and you are the only one who still listens to it, think again! Radio is actually alive and doing well. It turns out, more than 3 billion people in this planet tune in every week to listen to the radio!* The Adventist Church supports radio ministries so that our Advent message will enter even the most remote areas of our world.

Revelation 14:15 says, “And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, ‘Thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come for You to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe’.” 

Through radio ministries the Adventist Church is reaching every country on this planet and making sure that the earth is ripe for the harvest.  We invite you today to partner with God and be part of the final harvest.

Presupuesto mundial (énfasis: Ministerios radiales)

Si cree que la radio está pasada de moda y que usted es el único que todavía la escucha, ¡está equivocado! La radio está activa y funciona bien. Se sabe que más de tres mil millones de personas en todo el mundo sintonizan cada semana la radio* , y la Iglesia Adventista apoya los ministerios de la radio para que nuestro mensaje cristiano llegue incluso a las zonas más remotas.

En Apocalipsis 14:15 dice: “Entonces salió del templo otro ángel y le gritó al que estaba sentado en la nube: ‘Mete la hoz y recoge la cosecha; ya es tiempo de segar, pues la cosecha de la tierra está madura’” (NVI). 

A través de los ministerios de la radio, la Iglesia Adventista está llegando a todos los continentes y países asegurándose de que el mundo esté maduro para la cosecha. Lo invitamos a trabajar con Dios y la iglesia y formar parte de la cosecha final.

*38 Staggering Radio Listening Statistics (2023) – Soocial

2024 Texas Conference Offertory Readings

2024 Texas Conference English Offertory Readings

2024 Texas Conference Spanish Offertory Readings

2024 Texas Conference Sunset Calendar and Offering Schedule

2024 Sunset Calendar and Offering Schedule (January – June 2024)

2024 Sunset Calendar and Offering Schedule (July – December 2024)

Grateful Living | Legacy Giving website

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