Offertory Reading for Sabbath, August 17, 2024

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver,” 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV.

Texas Conference online giving link: AdventistGiving. You can search for your local church on the AdventistGiving main website or return your tithes and give your offerings in a tithe envelope at church. Together As One, let’s be cheerful givers to further God’s work in Texas and worldwide.

The Offertory Reading begins here in English and Spanish.
Scroll down for the Sabbath Offering graphics.

This week’s offering is for:

Local Church Budget

I once met a student who entered college with such a low grade-point average from high school, that it’s amazing he was even admitted to college. He went on to eventually graduate from college with high honors and a perfect grade point average. The only difference for this student between high school and college was that now, for the first time in years, he had a bed. The student had been unhoused in high school, and had bounced around from location to location. The instability had wrecked his ability to focus on his academics as his stomach grumbled in class and he was fighting to stay awake.

Within the last couple of years, I have been blown away by how much my local church has gone above and beyond to support people who have been impacted by the global pandemic. Our church’s in-need fund has helped people with everything from buying groceries to paying their rent when they lost their job due to the pandemic. And what was amazing was that those who were able to gave even more, knowing that there were many in need. This sounds a lot like the church in the book of Acts. Today’s offering is for our local church budget. Our church can have the ability to meet the needs of those in and outside of our church through outreach. Consider giving a generous offering today to meet the needs of our local church.

By Heather Thompson Day

Presupuesto de la iglesia local

Una vez conocí a un estudiante que entró en la universidad con un promedio de notas tan bajo en la escuela secundaria que era casi increíble que fuera admitido en la universidad. Con el tiempo, se graduó con honores y el mejor promedio de notas. La única diferencia entre su escuela secundaria y sus estudios universitarios era que por primera vez en años, tenía una cama.

Durante los años de la secundaria quedó sin casa y vivía pasando de un lugar a otro. La inestabilidad no le permitía concentrarse en sus estudios, ya que sufría hambre y luchaba por mantenerse despierto.

En estos últimos años me sorprendió lo mucho que mi iglesia local ha hecho para ayudar a las personas afectadas por la pandemia. El fondo de ayuda para los necesitados asistió a muchas personas, comprando alimentos y pagando alquileres cuando las personas perdieron sus trabajos. Y lo más increíble fue que aquellas personas que tenían medios económicos, contribuían aún más, sabiendo que había muchos que necesitaban ayuda. Tengamos como ejemplo a la iglesia descrita en el libro de Hechos y ayudemos a nuestra iglesia a satisfacer las necesidades de aquellos dentro y fuera de nuestro alcance a través del trabajo misionero. 

Heather Thompson Day

2024 Texas Conference Offertory Readings

2024 Texas Conference English Offertory Readings

2024 Texas Conference Spanish Offertory Readings

2024 Texas Conference Sunset Calendar and Offering Schedule

2024 Sunset Calendar and Offering Schedule (January – June 2024)

2024 Sunset Calendar and Offering Schedule (July – December 2024)

Grateful Living | Legacy Giving website

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