
Offertory Reading for Sabbath, August 10, 2024

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver,” 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV.

Texas Conference online giving link: AdventistGiving. You can search for your local church on the AdventistGiving main website or return your tithes and give your offerings in a tithe envelope at church. Together As One, let’s be cheerful givers to further God’s work in Texas and worldwide.

The Offertory Reading begins here in English and Spanish.
Scroll down for the Sabbath Offering graphics.

This week’s offering is for:

Christian Record Services for the Blind

Jeannie has attended National Camps for Blind Children for over 40 years.  One of her favorite things is the music, especially when she gets to play her accordion and keyboard.

“Many people don’t know how great camps are,” says Jeannie.  “I want them all to know what a great experience it is.” More important than the music, the games, and the new friends, is how her experience at camp draws her closer to Jesus.  Jeannie recently rededicated her life to Jesus by being rebaptized.

I love that we can share the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ with people who are blind or experiencing vision loss, serving them together through Christian Record Services, a ministry of compassion of the Seventh-day Adventist Church since 1899, serving nearly 18,000 members throughout the United States and in countries around the world.  

Christian Record Services offers an array of services and programs, including Bible study lessons, books, magazines, and Bibles in audio, braille, and large print from a library of more than 2,000 titles. Members also can deepen social, educational, and spiritual connections through PhoneFaith, scholarships for higher education, and National Camps for Blind Children.  

These services and programs are free of charge to people who are legally blind. Your offerings will help further the ministry’s mission to empower people who are blind to engage their communities and embrace the Blessed Hope.

Christian Record Services

Jeannie lleva más de 40 años asistiendo a los campamentos nacionales para no videntes, y una de las cosas que más disfruta es la música, sobre todo cuando toca su acordeón y el teclado.

“Mucha gente no sabe lo maravillosos que son los campamentos; quiero que todos sepan la gran experiencia que es”, son las palabras de Jeannie. Más importante que la música, los juegos y los nuevos amigos, son las experiencias que acercan a Jesús. Gracias a estas vivencias Jeannie volvió a dedicar su vida a Jesús, rebautizándose.

Me alegra que podamos compartir la misericordia y la gracia de Jesucristo con personas ciegas o con pérdida de visión, trabajando juntos a través de Christian Record Services, un ministerio solidario de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día desde 1899, que trabaja con casi 18.000 miembros en todo Estados Unidos y en países de todo el mundo.

Christian Record Services ofrece una amplia variedad de servicios y programas, como lecciones de estudio de la Biblia, libros, revistas y Biblias en audio, en Braille y letra grande, con una biblioteca de más de 2.000 títulos. Los miembros también pueden afianzar sus vínculos sociales, educativos y espirituales a través de PhoneFaith, y a través de becas para estudios superiores y campamentos nacionales para niños ciegos.

Estos servicios y programas son gratuitos para las personas legalmente ciegas. Nuestras ofrendas hoy ayudarán a promover la misión de preparar a las personas no videntes para que participen en sus comunidades y para que puedan abrazar la bendita esperanza.

2024 Texas Conference Offertory Readings

2024 Texas Conference English Offertory Readings

2024 Texas Conference Spanish Offertory Readings

2024 Texas Conference Sunset Calendar and Offering Schedule

2024 Sunset Calendar and Offering Schedule (January – June 2024)

2024 Sunset Calendar and Offering Schedule (July – December 2024)

Grateful Living | Legacy Giving website

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