
Offertory Reading for June 29, 2024

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver,” 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV.

Texas Conference online giving link: AdventistGiving. You can search for your local church on the AdventistGiving main website or return your tithes and give your offerings in a tithe envelope at church. Together As One, let’s be cheerful givers to further God’s work in Texas and worldwide.

The Offertory Reading begins here in English and Spanish.
Scroll down for the Sabbath Offering graphics.

This week’s offering is for:

Local Church Budget

I grew up in a small town where our county fair and ice cream socials at the local grocery store gathered us each summer. In some ways, I believe that heaven is really like a small town. When I go to our local diner with my husband for breakfast, the server knows my name because we are there so frequently and have been for years.

Similarly, my most treasured memories of church throughout my life are when the people I go to church with move from acquaintances to what I would consider family. Years ago, my husband was pastoring a smaller congregation, and the people who lead the musical worship part of the service became some of the closest people to us. In that season, we were far away from the small town I had grown up in and our families, and yet these people became our family.

As we gather from week to week, we have a lot that goes into allowing us to meet to create those connections. Our leaders over the church and ministries prayerfully work together so that the unity God desires can be felt in our church family. Today’s offering is for the local church budget. Please consider how different ministries in our church have impacted your life, and give freely as you are impressed!

Presupuesto de la iglesia local

Crecí en una pequeña ciudad donde la feria del condado y los helados en el supermercado local nos reunían cada verano. En cierto modo, creo que el cielo es como un pueblo pequeño. Cuando voy a desayunar con mi esposo a nuestra cafetería local, quien nos atiende conoce mi nombre porque vamos allí con mucha frecuencia y desde hace años.

Del mismo modo, mis recuerdos más preciados de la iglesia a lo largo de mi vida son cuando las personas con las que voy a la iglesia pasan de ser conocidos a lo que yo consideraría familia. Hace años, mi esposo era pastor de una congregación pequeña. El grupo de quienes dirigían la parte musical del culto se convirtieron en algunas de las personas más cercanas a nosotros. En aquella época, estábamos muy lejos de la pequeña ciudad en la que yo había crecido y de nuestras familias, y sin embargo estas personas se convirtieron en nuestra familia.

Cuando nos congregamos cada semana tenemos muchos motivos para crear estas conexiones. Nuestros líderes de la iglesia y los diferentes ministerios trabajan juntos en oración para pedir por la unidad que Dios desea se pueda sentir en nuestra familia de la iglesia. Por favor al dar la ofrenda de hoy recuerde cómo los diferentes ministerios impactaron su vida y cómo puede ayudar a que continúen cambiando vidas.

2024 Texas Conference Offertory Readings

2024 Texas Conference English Offertory Readings

2024 Texas Conference Spanish Offertory Readings

2024 Texas Conference Sunset Calendar and Offering Schedule

2024 Sunset Calendar and Offering Schedule (January – June 2024)

2024 Sunset Calendar and Offering Schedule (July – December 2024)

Grateful Living | Legacy Giving website

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