
Oct 17 - 19 2024

HOPE 24 Texas-wide Campaign

Congregations are encouraged to host HOPE24 meetings and invite their family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. A finale HOPE24 series with world-renowned speaker Mark Finley is planned for October 17-19, 2024, in the Houston area. It will be held in person and virtually so all congregations can watch from their home churches.

HOPE24 is designed to share the everlasting hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ. “Ephesians 3 reminds us that God can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we may ask or think,” Texas Conference President Elton DeMoraes shares. “Together As One, let’s pray for HOPE24 to be a life-changing experience, for opportunities to share God’s hope and love with others and for a renewal in our own lives.”

Make plans to join the HOPE24 finale in person or online on October 17-19, 2024.

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