
Innovation for a church organization simply means to create something to effectively communicate the love of Jesus, often in a new way.

High tech does not mean your church has to lose its high touch attributes. On the contrary, technology can create new ways to connect with your church members, your community and possibly a larger audience than you had before. Below, are some ideas that can be adapted for your church. Email [] your idea to be added to this list.


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North American Division Online Store:

Sabbath School

  • Zoom, GoToMeeting or other platforms for small groups or Sabbath School discussions
  • Mail quarterly to older members | share online options with others.


Online Giving

Children’s Ministries

Community Service

  • Drive-thru Food Pantry or other services for the community

Men’s Ministries

  • Group text connection (i.e. Bible text or simple word of encouragement)

Prayer Ministries

  • Offer a place for prayer requests with a set time for prayer requests
  • Consider a prayer app

Women’s Ministries

  • Create a Facebook page for women to connect and share ideas


Young Adults

Five tips to not only embrace, but engage and empower young adults for local church ministry by Justin Yang, Texas Conference Young Adults Director.
1.  Reverse-mentoring: This is when young adults are paired with seasoned church members and the young adults mentor or coach the seasoned members in the realm of technology, digital and online spaces and platforms.  (i.e. video conferencing setup, online ordering, Facebook or Instagram live setup and engagement, website/blog creation, online sermon transcripts, online giving platforms, podcasting, etc.).
  • San Marcos Seventh-day Adventist church has two college students that are part of a connect team. The goal of this team is to call all church members to see if they need assistance in online connection and subscription (to YouTube channels).
2.  Ministry Opportunities: Whether they be production of children’s story videos, online Bible studies, online prayer meetings, and even mask-creation projects to name a few, scores of churches are engaging and empowering young adults to be frontline workers for their church ministries.
  • Tyler Seventh-day Adventist Church has young adults that are leading online prayer meetings and other various ministry gatherings. And, there are quite a few churches where the young adults are producing weekly children’s story videos.
3.  Personal Calls and Texts: In our surveys, what is valued most from their pastor or local church leaders are personal calls and texts. Not mass communication, but personal check-ins to see how they are doing.
4.  Outreach engagement: From babysitting for healthcare workers to packing and loading care packages for lower-income families, young adults are ready to be engaged to serve the community. Listen to them for ideation. Then release them to be innovative in their efforts to reach the community.
  • Some churches have young adults shopping for the elderly and those who are most vulnerable to Covid-19.
5.  Mentoring:  Now is a great time to FaceTime your young adults or get on a Zoom call with them and go through “Financial Peace University” with them or help them learn a new life skill. The key is to help them and mentor them through the adulting and growing journey. The younger generation are looking to grow and maximize the time that they are given through Covid-19.

Top 5 Prayer requests and 5 Bible study topics young adults are requesting

#GYA in #Pandemic

Find more resources at

For music licenses only | First-time users, please call the numbers below for account information. Accounts are renewed yearly with the Texas Conference church name listed in eAdventist and the local church treasurer’s txsda email account. Please keep that email on the account for consistency. Song reporting is required for some licenses. Contact CCS and CCLI for more information.

Beginning in 2023, all Texas Conference churches, companies and groups listed in eAdventist are required to have these licenses. They are essential as copyright infringement can result in fines of up to $150,000 per work infringement. Texas Conference purchases the licenses and bills the respective Texas Conference church, company or group showing due diligence. Most licenses have a base cost and increase based on average weekly attendance.

Thank you for taking copyright seriously in all areas, including taking photographs off the Internet (Yes, most photographs have a copyright).

We encourage you to check out these resources for better understanding.

CCLI Streaming Plus license applies when the service is shown on an official church account that matches the license name listed in eAdventist. It does not cover items shown on a personal account.

Texas Conference pastors, treasurers and local church communication directors can email for CVLI login information.


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The Innovation Team

Kenn L. Dixon
Kenn L. Dixon
Vice President for Communication
& Public Relations
817.790.2255 ext. 2126
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Andy Esqueche
Andy Esqueche
Associate Director
817.790.2255 ext. 2124
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