Communication & Public Relations

Communicating Christ’s message of love, forgiveness and redemption is the purpose of the Communication Department.

We seek to foster a culture of reliability, transparency, and creativity by reinforcing existing communication channels and enterprises as well as establishing new initiatives.

Not only do we strive to communicate the latest happenings of the Adventist Church in Texas through all of our current channels, but also motivate Texas churches to effectively connect with their communities through training and tools.

Under our scope of responsibilities we have public relations, the production of The FLAME, audio and visual coordination for events, and online tools such as the website and social media channels.

Ultimately, the Communication Department facilitates ministry. We work together with churches, schools, leaders, and members to share stories that impact, inspire, and connect our churches members and communities.

Public Relations / General Media Inquiries:  Phone: (817) 790.2255 ext. 2134; email:



Interview with microphone
Communication & Public Relations

To read The FLAME online, visit our digital library at!


For music licenses only | First-time users, please call the numbers below for account information. Accounts are renewed yearly with the Texas Conference church name listed in eAdventist and the local church treasurer’s txsda email account. Please keep that email on the account for consistency. Song reporting is required for some licenses. Contact CCS and CCLI for more information.

Beginning in 2023, all Texas Conference churches, companies and groups listed in eAdventist are required to have these licenses. They are essential as copyright infringement can result in fines of up to $150,000 per work infringement. Texas Conference purchases the licenses and bills the respective Texas Conference church, company or group showing due diligence. Most licenses have a base cost and increase based on average weekly attendance.

Thank you for taking copyright seriously in all areas, including taking photographs off the Internet (Yes, most photographs have a copyright).

We encourage you to check out these resources for better understanding.

CCLI Streaming Plus license applies when the service is shown on an official church account that matches the license name listed in eAdventist. It does not cover items shown on a personal account.

Texas Conference pastors, treasurers and local church communication directors can email for CVLI login information.


Standards and guidelines on media production submission
• -All videos must adhere to the conduct and ethical standards set forth by the Seventh-day
Adventist Church.
• -Do not submit any media content that is copyrighted or without usage rights authorized.
• -Please allow 7 days advance notice when submitting media for broadcast. All media must be
• NO MEDIA will be accepted the day of the event on hard drive, USB thumb drive, cloud-based
storage, etc. – We want to avoid any viruses being introduced into the production environment.
• -Media submitted for broadcast must meet production specifications and format set forth below.
• All presentations (PowerPoint, Keynote, etc.) Must be submitted 7 days prior to event. There is
no guarantee on day of production, changes can be made to the presentation.
• All participates that have a speaking or performance roll, must be added to the “Speakers and
Presenters List” form (supplied) in 7 days prior to event.
Pre-Broadcast specifications to submit media for productions
-File type- MOV or MP4 (MP4 Preferred)
-Resolution- 1920 x 1080
-Bit Rate- 25,000 KB/s
-Compression Rate- H.264
-Sample Rate- 48 KHZ
-Drop frame- 23.97/ 29.97/ 59.94
-Time format- *Please keep productions in broadcast industry time standards of 15/30/45/60 seconds or minutes.
(Note: Please leave at least 10 seconds of black before your production intro and at least a second of black after
outro of production for transition and editing purposes). * If applicable

Speakers & Presenters List (Download)

March 2025
April 2025
May 2025
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The Communication & Public Relations Team

Kenn L. Dixon
Kenn L. Dixon
Vice President for Communication
& Public Relations
817.790.2255 ext. 2126
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Andy Esqueche
Andy Esqueche
Associate Director
817.790.2255 ext. 2124
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Teymi Townsend
Teymi Townsend
Assistant Director
817.790.2255 ext. 2123
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Heber Sorto
Heber Sorto
Digital Content Specialist
817.790.2255 ext. 2122
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