Offertory Reading for Sabbath, July 20, 2024

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver,” 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV.

Texas Conference online giving link: AdventistGiving. You can search for your local church on the AdventistGiving main website or return your tithes and give your offerings in a tithe envelope at church. Together As One, let’s be cheerful givers to further God’s work in Texas and worldwide.

The Offertory Reading begins here in English and Spanish.
Scroll down for the Sabbath Offering graphics.

This week’s offering is for:

Local Church Budget

One day several years ago, while I was teaching one of my college communications courses, a student of mine entered the classroom after the lesson had already begun. She looked visibly tired and in bad shape, and I decided to not make a big deal about her coming in late. Later, after class, the student came to my office to explain their tardiness. “I got the news that my parent died this morning, and I just didn’t know where to go.” My heart sank, but I also felt a spark of hope at that moment. I grieved with my student for the great loss the family was experiencing. I also praised God that while this student was away from her home, she saw our classroom as a safe space for her to find refuge.

The church can be that place for many people as well. When we walk in each Sabbath we are not always aware of the burdens that those around us are carrying into church. A church is more than a building – a church is us, the people, who lean on one another to help create that safe space for others to share their burdens. The Bible instructs us to, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2, NIV). Today’s offering is for our local church budget.

By Heather Thompson Day

Presupuesto de la iglesia local

Un día, hace varios años, mientras enseñaba uno de mis cursos universitarios de comunicación, una alumna entró al aula cuando la clase ya había empezado. Lucía visiblemente cansada y en mal estado, y decidí no dar importancia a que llegara tarde. Después de clase la alumna se me acercó para explicar su retraso: “Recibí la noticia de que mi padre murió esta mañana y no sabía adónde ir”. Se me estremeció el corazón, pero también sentí una chispa de esperanza en ese momento. Lamenté la gran pérdida que estaba experimentando su familia, pero también alabé a Dios porque, mientras ella estaba lejos de casa, vio en nuestra clase un espacio seguro en el cual refugiarse.

La iglesia también puede ser ese lugar para muchas personas. Cuando venimos cada sábado no siempre somos conscientes de las cargas que llevan los que nos rodean. Una iglesia es más que un edificio, la iglesia somos nosotros, las personas, que nos apoyamos unos a otros para ayudar a crear ese espacio seguro para que otros compartan sus cargas. La Biblia nos instruye: “Ayúdense unos a otros a llevar sus cargas, y así cumplirán la ley de Cristo” (Gálatas 6:2, NVI). La ofrenda de hoy es dedicada al presupuesto de nuestra iglesia.

Heather Thompson Day

2024 Texas Conference Offertory Readings

2024 Texas Conference English Offertory Readings

2024 Texas Conference Spanish Offertory Readings

2024 Texas Conference Sunset Calendar and Offering Schedule

2024 Sunset Calendar and Offering Schedule (January – June 2024)

2024 Sunset Calendar and Offering Schedule (July – December 2024)

Grateful Living | Legacy Giving website

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