
Inspiring, educating, and motivating members to live a grateful, authentic, holistic Christian life.

Whenever we hear the word “Stewardship” most of us immediately think about money and giving. The noun “steward” is more expansive and describes a person who acts as an agent or someone who looks after the property and financial affairs of another. In today’s terminology, a steward is like a manager—assigned to faithfully handle assets that belong to someone else. In our relationship with God, being a steward is a way of life that places The Lord firmly at the center.

Stewardship encompasses all areas of life. God cares about every facet of our existence; our relationships, health, the way we use our time,  wealth and planet. Stewardship isn’t so much about ‘giving’ money (although important), as it is about the transformation we experience when Jesus is first in our lives. Stewardship, in fact, is a gift and position of responsibility to God, each other and the planet. Above all, let’s remember that Stewardship is a great honor and “…not about what God wants from you but rather, what He wants for you…”  We are all encouraged to be committed stewards in at least four crucial areas of life:

Our Time, Ecclesiastes 3:1; Ephesians 5:15-16
Our Health, 3 John 1:2; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Our Relationships Ephesians 6:1-3; Hebrews 10:24-25
Our Finances Romans 13:8; Proverbs 21:20 Proverbs 27:3

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Texas Vision

Texas Vision is a monthly offering focus that benefits three areas within the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists: worthy student funding for our academies (25%), Lake Whitney Ranch development (50%) and church or school building appropriations (25%).
The worthy student funding assists students at Burton Adventist Academy in Arlington, Texas, Chisholm Trail Academy in Keene, Texas, Houston Adventist Academy in Cypress, Texas, North Dallas Adventist Academy in Richardson, Texas and South Texas Christian Academy in McAllen, Texas.
“Seventh-day Adventist education provides a connection that no other school can do,” Texas Conference Vice President for Education Kisha Norris shared. “I am still amazed at my mother’s sacrifices to ensure I was in an Adventist school. Many other parents desire an Adventist education for their children, but the cost is beyond their ability to pay.” The Texas Vision offering provides help to academy-level students needing financial assistance.
Together As One, let’s help our young people have a Seventh-day Adventist education at one of our academies, providing them an eternal difference in addition to a quality education. Thanks for keeping all our students in your prayers.


Visión de Texas

La Visión de Texas es una ofrenda mensual que beneficia en tres
áreas a los Adventistas de la Conferencia de Texas: financiamiento
estudiantil para nuestras academias (25%), Desarrollo del Rancho
de Lake Whitney (50%) y compra de edificios para Iglesias o
escuelas (25%).
Este valioso financiamiento estudiantil ayuda a los estudiantes de
la Academia Adventista Burton en Arlington, Texas, la Academia
Chisholm Trail en Keene, Texas, la Academia Adventista de
Houston en Cypress, Texas, la Academia Adventista del Norte de
Dallas en Richardson, Texas y la Academia Cristiana del Sur de
Texas en McAllen, Texas.
“La educación adventista del séptimo día proporciona una
conexión que ninguna otra escuela puede ofrecer”, compartió la
vicepresidenta de Educación de la Conferencia de Texas, Kisha
Norris. “Todavía estoy asombrado por los sacrificios de mi madre
para garantizar que yo estuviera en una escuela adventista. Muchos
otros padres desean una educación adventista para sus hijos, pero
el costo está fuera de sus posibilidades”. La ofrenda Visión de
Texas brinda ayuda a los estudiantes de nivel académico que
necesitan asistencia financiera.
Todos Unidos, ayudemos a nuestros jóvenes a tener una educación
adventista del séptimo día en una de nuestras academias,
brindándoles una diferencia eterna además de una educación de
calidad. Gracias por mantener a todos nuestros estudiantes en sus



Your Faithfulness Rewarded | Session 1
Grateful Living Intro
What is Texas Vision
Texas Vision Grateful Living
Vision de Texas
Your Faithfulness Rewarded | Session 2
Living Grateful
Your Faithfulness Rewarded | Session 3
Your Faithfulness Rewarded | Session 4
Your Faithfulness Rewarded | Session 5
Your Faithfulness Rewarded | Session 6
Your Faithfulness Rewarded | Session 7
Your Faithfulness Rewarded | Session 8
Your Faithfulness Rewarded | Session 9
January 2025
February 2025
March 2025
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The Stewardship Team

Lynette Ecord
Lynette Ecord
Planned Giving &
Trust Services Director
Association Secretary/Treasurer
Stewardship Coordinator
817.790.2255 ext. 2105
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Uzziel Maldonado
Uzziel Maldonado
Associate Director
Trust Officer | North Texas
Stewardship Coordinator
817.790.2255 ext. 2147
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Tony Correa
Tony Correa
Trust Officer | South Texas
Stewardship Coordinator
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Marshall Gonzales
Marshall Gonzales
Trust Officer | Houston/East Texas
Stewardship Coordinator
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Sofia Fuentes
Sofia Fuentes
Administrative Assistant
817.790.2255 ext. 2103
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Claudia Dominguez
Claudia Dominguez
Administrative Assistant
817.790.2255 ext. 2104
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