Nathan L. Krause

Vice President of Ministerial Development
817.790.2255 ext. 2141
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About Nathan L. Krause

Nathan L. Krause is the vice president for Ministry & Evangelism for the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Alvarado, Texas. He has a B.A. in Pastoral Ministry from Weimar College in Weimar, California, and a Master of Divinity from Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. Krause has traveled, studied and served in over 30 countries on five continents, including the lands of the Bible and the Reformation. In 1992 and 1993, he had the privilege of living and studying in Jerusalem.

For almost four decades, Krause has enjoyed preaching and teaching the truths he has discovered in God’s word, having served as a Bible teacher, evangelist, professor and pastor. Wherever he has served, Krause has enjoyed developing relationships in the community and reaching out to people of various faith backgrounds.

Krause has had many unique ministry opportunities, having taught God’s word in classrooms from kindergarten to college, prisons, churches of various denominations, synagogues and mosques. God has blessed Krause with a precious family and he finds immense joy in the privilege of being a husband to Melissa and father to their young adult children, Daniel and Hannah.

Where Nathan L. Krause Serves

Ministerial Development
Ministerial Development