José M. Rojas

Risk Management Director
Prison Ministries Coordinator
817.790.2255 ext. 2212
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About José M. Rojas

José Miguel Rojas is the lead pastor of Houston Central Seventh-day Adventist Church in Houston, Texas. He holds a bachelor’s degree in theology with a minor in biblical languages from Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU) in Keene, Texas. From the same educational institution, he obtained his master’s degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in leadership. He is married to Geisi A. Rojas. They have three children: Gabriella A. Rojas and Elijah M. Rojas. Rojas has as his hobbies: exercise, baseball, basketball and swimming. His favorite passages from the Holy Scriptures are: Psalm 40:1-3 and 2 Corinthians 12:9 

Where José M. Rojas Serves

Prison Ministries
Prison Ministries
Volunteer Ministries
Volunteer Ministries
Risk Management
Risk Management