After years of discussions about the need for bathroom/shower houses in the open area at Lake Whitney Ranch (LWR) in Clifton, Texas, those houses are finally coming to fruition.
“Infrastructure was the first hurdle the LWR Operating Committee (LWROC) had to overcome,” Randy Terry, Texas Conference treasurer and LWROC chair, shared. “We couldn’t build bathroom or shower houses without the necessary sewer lines. We applaud LWR Director Hector Perez’s determination to find a company willing to get through the hard ground and rock to lay the lines.”
While obtaining several contractor bids to present to the LWROC and the Texas Conference finance and executive committees, Perez soon learned it was more cost-effective for the contractor to build four units at the same time. This will provide 48 sinks, toilets and showers, which is more than we’ve had even after renting portable ones for large event weekends.
“The chosen contractor said he could have them built in six months,” Perez shared. “Knowing COVID-19 has caused some delays in materials, we are hopeful they will be ready for the April 2023 Pathfinder Camporee.”
The cost for all four bathroom/shower houses, which will include family areas, is quoted at $2.5 million. Terry shared that $1 million is currently available for this project. To complete the project in a timely manner before costs increase even more, they will borrow up to $1.5 million, if necessary, from the Southwestern Union Revolving Fund.
Texas Conference Youth & Club Ministries Director Paulo Tenorio challenged Adventurer and Pathfinder Clubs during their weekend events to start fundraising to help quickly pay off the bathroom/shower houses. “I didn’t specify a required amount to raise,” Tenorio said. “I know they are raising funds for lots of things, but I also know they are an important part of this legacy at LWR.
During the Pathfinder Camporee, a check was presented to LWR for $19,070 from the trust of Jo Frazier-Meyer. In “A Tribute to Nanaw,” the family described her as having a “passion for missions, serving the Lord, studying her Bible without getting bored.” She created the trust in 1991 to remember various ministries within the Texas Conference. “This distribution was just the first partial distribution of the trust,” Lynette Ecord, Texas Conference Planned Giving & Trust Services director, shared.
Texas Conference President Elton DeMoraes mentioned it during the April episode of TEXTalk [on the “TexasAdventist” YouTube channel] when he talked about the importance of legacy giving through Texas Conference Planned Giving & Trust Services. Because someone remembered the conference and Lake Whitney Ranch in her giving, he said, they were able to present that check on her behalf. That’s legacy giving.
Sue Nam Song, Texas Conference Pathfinder medical coordinator, cut the ribbon during the dedication of the nurse’s station on Pathfinder Camporee Sabbath. Donors and volunteers alike worked to complete the nurse’s station, which provided a cool, clean and private place to treat those needing assistance during LWR large events.
Perez and his wife, Anabel, the LWR manager, are excited about the progress made so far at Lake Whitney Ranch. At the time of this writing, the camp is also renovating a house on the property to provide much-needed lodging. “We couldn’t do it without our incredible volunteers, who give their time to make LWR great,” Perez is quick to add.
Visit or email if you would like more information or want to schedule a visit or a tour or to make a donation. Email if you would like to inquire about legacy giving.
Tamara Michalenko Terry is an associate director for Communication & Public Relations for the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
A version of this article appeared in the July/August 2022 issue of the Southwestern Union Record. You can find the online issues here.