
The Texas Conference Transportation Department is a full-service mover dedicated to providing quality and affordable moving services to Seventh-day Adventist entities in the United States. We have professional office and driving staff that take their job seriously and endeavor to serve each individual and family they are moving with courtesy, kindness and Christian behavior. We respect our employees, as well as the individuals we move. We believe that by fostering a strong Christian atmosphere within the work place, we strengthen our position within the industry.

See Our 10 Steps Below to Begin


Two young handsome movers wearing uniforms are unloading the van full of boxes. House move, mover


You’ll need to get in touch with us right away so that we can get your move on the schedule.
Phone: 817.790.2255 x2107
Toll Free Fax: 866-203-1225


You will need to fill out the List of Household Goods sheet and fax or email them back as soon as possible.

List of Household Goods (PDF for fax)
List of Household Goods(Excel spreadsheet for email) Right-Click to Download
Lista de enseres domesticos (PDF for fax)
Lista de enseres domesticos (Excel spreadsheet for e-mail) Right-Click to Download

Please fill out the List of Household Goods accurately. If you need to modify the number of items that will be moved, please let us know in advance.

We are not responsible for special items and antiques if they are not listed on the load sheet. You need to get an estimated value of all your antiques and valuables. This is for your protection in case of damage or loss. We suggest that you take your small valuables with you personally.

Your move will be scheduled after we receive your Relocation Information Form and List of Household Goods. We will do everything we can to move you as close to your desired move date; however, we must work around our currently scheduled moves.


Please complete the Relocation Information Form. Click on the following links to download the PDF or the Microsoft Word (right-click to download)version of the survey.



Put as many items in boxes as possible. When packing boxes, put in as much as possible. Fill boxes completely, even if packing is needed to fill it up, otherwise the box may collapse when loaded in the truck.

You must pack your flat-screen TV(s) either in its original box or a purchased box specifically designed for flat-screen TVs. If this policy is not followed, the Texas conference of Seventh-day Adventists will not be responsible for any damages and there will not be any reimbursement/replacement.

Occasionally, it is proper to place an item(s) in a trash bag (non-breakable items) but 99.99% of your goods should be packed in sturdy boxes. This allows for protection and keeps your goods cleaner. Also, boxes are more conducive for stacking. We cannot guarantee the condition of items that are packed in trash bags.

Place items of like kind in each box – do not mix books and glassware, etc.

Knives and sharp objects need to be packed in a safe container to avoid puncturing a box and possibly damaging furniture or other items.

Do not use boxes without tops.

Tape top of boxes securely. Box with just flaps folded do not hold. Please check to be sure the bottom of the box is also secure.

Pack glass canned food either in their original box or wrap them securely with bubble wrap and label the box  as fragile.

Please pack heavy items such as books in smaller boxes, not larger than three (3) cubic feet, such as apple or orange boxes.

If you cannot pick up the box we cannot pick up the box. Use more boxes if necessary to keep them manageable

Dishes should be carefully packed and wrapped individually in paper to prevent breakage.

Box all small items (small appliances, computer equipment, lamps, lamp shades, etc.) To give them maximum protection and keep them from getting scattered in moving. Suggestion: Stack lamp shades together and put in bottom of wardrobe boxes that have short items hanging in them. Also could put shoes and other small items the same way (not heavy items.) Be sure and mark contents on the outside of the box.

Remove all pictures from walls. Pictures need to be packed in picture boxes to ensure safety of glass, frame and picture.

As boxes are packed, place them in sections sorted by heavy, light, fragile, books, etc. We are not responsible for damage to contents which are packed in boxes, unless the box itself has been damaged (such as crushed).

Be sure to label all items clearly.Label contents in each box clearly so driver will know where to safely place box in the load.

Be sure and mark each item (furniture and boxes) with your name. We often have more than one person’s possessions on the truck.

Do not mark a box fragile unless it is actually filled with easily broken items. This gets confusing and special care may not be taken with those boxes that are fragile.

Suggestion: Color-code boxes either with permanent market, colored labels or tape. Assign one color to each room. This makes unloading into the proper rooms much easier.

Empty contents of drawers, end tables, nightstands, sewing machine cabinets, etc. Leave contents in drawers of large chests and dressers if the content is lightweight. If items in drawers are heavy, please pack in boxes.

All liquids should be sealed and in unbreakable containers.

We need all outside furniture and equipment to be cleaned and disinfected (sprayed for insects–i.e. ants, etc.) before they can be loaded on the truck.  This must be finished at least one week before our arrival. If our truck is inspected by the D.O.T. or state border station and they find anything that is visible or suspicious and it is on their list of “No-No’s” we could be denied access to or through that state. This is necessary to keep down transport of unwanted bugs.

Leave all the furniture in its current location until the driver arrives. The boxes can be relocated to one big room as long as they are accessible and stacked by same or similar sizes.

We are not responsible for damage to any electrical items, poorly packed items or assembled particle board furniture. Please sign and fax back the Particle Board Waiver.

Pianos – We can load/unload standard size pianos; however, if it is a grand/baby grand, professional piano movers will be hired to disassemble, load, unload, and re-assemble the piano. The paying entity may or may not cover this additional expense.

Clean grass clippings from lawn mowers. Some states have regulations concerning this and will not allow entry in their states if lawn mowers are not clean. Drain fuel/oil from all lawn equipment.

Things we cannot move

There are some things we are not permitted to transport and others that will be transported only with you accepting the responsibility for damage to your goods and/or the goods of others.

We may not transport flammable or explosive materials. These include fireworks, ammunition, gasoline, butane tanks (empty or full), aerosol cans, flammable-cleaning fluids, oil-based paints, etc. It would be best to use them up or give them away before you move.

Some states also prohibit the transportation of live plants or flowers. If this applies to you, our driver will refuse to accept live plants. If they are accepted for transport, they are accepted with no guarantee of the condition in which they will arrive at your new home.

Do not pack illegal items in your belongings. We are subject to search in route by law enforcement agencies. You are subject to having charges pressed against you as a result of any unlawful materials found in your belongings.

Though not illegal, many household fluids become hazardous in the environment of a closed moving van. This may occur through breakage or heat. Therefore, please dispose of these things before loading. If they are transported, you will be responsible for any damage.

Because of possible infestation to our equipment and/or your belongings, we do not haul firewood or any unmilled wood (i.e. Cut trees, stumps, etc.)

We must be advised of any campers, boats/canoes or any other non-standard household items to be moved. All such items will be moved at the shipper’s expense – not at the expense of the paying entity. We may refuse to move any of the above named items.

Weight restrictions

Non-Texas Conference Employees – Many Conferences have adopted weight restrictions on household goods shipments. Please contact the paying entity to determine their weight restrictions.

Texas Conference Employees – Texas Conference’s weight policy is one truck load.

5. What it Means to Be Ready

• All beds disassembled

• Washer & Dryer disconnected

• Fridge and ice maker disconnected

• Lawn equipment cleaned

• All glass shelving should be removed and placed in a safe area. Movers will wrap them.

• Pictures packed in picture boxes

• Non-furniture boxed appropriately, sealed & labeled

• Lamps/lamp shades boxed, sealed & labeled

• Remove mirrors from dressers and remove supports or brackets from mirrors or dressers.

• Small tools in box (sealed & labeled) or in tool box

 Preparing your freezer

• It is best to secure special containers with dry ice for you to transport your frozen food.

• Freezer needs to be emptied, cleaned and unplugged. The driver is not responsible for plugging in a freezer at night.

• If you have a freezer moved with food in it, you assume all responsibility.

Preparing your jacuzzi/hot tub

• At least 4 days before the loading date—drain, clean and disconnect.

• Turn it on its side to finish draining pipes, etc. If you do not, your furniture and boxes could get wet from the water hiding in the crooks of the pipes, etc.

• The security pins must be in place on the new models of front loading washing machines to help keep the machine stable during the move. If the pins are not in place, we do not cover the damages. This applies to any appliance/electronic equipment that has a tightening security feature.

• Electronics must be disconnected. The Texas Conference does not provide insurance coverage and is not responsible for damage to electronics of any kind.

6. Things to Remember

As soon as possible you need to either fax the List of Household Goods (PDF) or e-mail the List of Household Goods (Excel).

Make sure a tractor-trailer can get to your home.

Cook and eat or give away as much of the refrigerator and freezer food as you can.  We cannot transport perishable food.

Cancel the newspaper delivery and any other delivery services.

Make a detailed itemized list of all of your items to be moved before the movers arrive.  A list can more readily alert you to missing items and help you to avoid forgetting to include such items in an insurance claim.

Draw up a floor plan of your new home and indicate placement of furnishings.  It makes moving in much easier.

At least 2-3 weeks before move, have utilities scheduled to be turned on at your new house by your move date.

Arrange for utilities to be turned off at old house after scheduled move date.

Get an extra month’s supply of Rx medications so you do not run out.

Make sure the pets have their shots.  And the kids too.

Submit a completed change of address form to the post office or change online @  You must fill out a change of address form for each person receiving mail at your address.  You also need to submit a change of address form to any subscriptions you are currently receiving.  Your post office has those forms also (in store or on line.)

Pack all important mail in one box.

Notify the bank of your new address.

Pack a few things every day.

Return library books and other things borrowed.

Collect things you have loaned, items at dry-cleaners, lay-away, storage, safety deposit box, etc.

Arrange for cable/satellite TV disconnection.

Your local service provider can help you with phone, internet, cable and/or satellite service for your new home.

Put aside weather-appropriate clothes to take with you (don’t put them on the truck.)

Start throwing away junk so there isn’t so much the last week.  Do I hear “Garage Sale”??

Get a copy of grades or arrange for transfer of records to the new school.

Get a copy of immunizations records or arrange for the transfer of those records to the new school.

Get a copy of pet medical and immunization records.

Contact all your doctors and dentists.  Ask if they can suggest a referral.  Submit request for medical and dental records.  Get copies of renewable prescriptions.

Have the car tuned up and/or make sure it is road worthy.

Make sure your auto and medical insurance info is handy.

Make sure the insurance company knows your new address. Transfer any records to the new company.  Check to see if your move is covered by your homeowners insurance.  Arrange to have fire, theft and other personal property insurance for your new home so that it will be protected.

Transfer bank accounts and ask your local credit bureau to transfer your records to your new city.  Be sure and give bank your new address.

If moving from an apartment, notify your landlord and request apartment deposit back.

Make any needed motel arrangements for the move.

Don’t forget to make arrangements to get back all deposits.

Make arrangements to have the piano tuned a couple of weeks after the move.

Arrange to have your major appliances serviced before you move them.

Make any flight reservations 21 days in advance.

Keep important papers, documents, jewelry, money and other small valuable items with you.  Do not pack them to be moved in the moving van.

Put non-combustible cleaning supplies and other items you  may need first in special boxes to be loaded last, unloaded first.

One day before move date–pack your local phone book for future reference of addresses/hone numbers of businesses and friends.

If possible, it is a good idea to be at your new home a day ahead of the van so you can make sure utilities are connected and plan placement of major items in your home.

7. The Week Before 

Make sure you have a working phone (land line or cell) so the driver can reach you.

The driver will contact you before he arrives and will set up the exact time. Communication with the driver is very important. Be sure we have a good phone number and that someone will be available to answer the driver’s questions. The driver will also go over things to help the load go easier for everyone. 

Beds need to be disassembled prior to driver’s arrival.

Washer, dryer and ice maker needs to be disconnected prior to driver’s arrival.

The security pins must be in place on late model front loading washing machines to help keep the machine stable during transport. If the pins are not in place, we do not cover the damages. This applies to any appliance or electronic equipment that has a tightening security feature.

Electronics must be disconnected. The Texas Conference does not provide insurance coverage and is not responsible for damage to electronics of any kind.

Make sure that halls are free of items so things can be accessible.

If you will not be ready at the scheduled time, you must notify us prior to the driver’s departure to go and load you. You are subject to a charge of $500.00 per day, or portion thereof, for detention.

Texas Conference Employees:

Any charges for detention will be your responsibility.

Get rid of all junk! Things not to be moved must be put in a closet or separate room.

Remove mirrors from dressers and remove supports or brackets from mirrors or dressers.

Preparing your freezer

It is best to secure special containers with dry ice for you to transport your frozen food. Better yet, sell it before moving.

The driver is not responsible for plugging in a freezer at night.

If you have a freezer moved with food in it, you assume all responsibility.

Preparing your jacuzzi/hot tub:

At least 4 days before loading date–drain, clean and disconnect.

Turn it on its side to finish draining pipes, etc. If you do not, your furniture, boxes, etc could get wet from the water hiding in the crooks of the pipes, etc.

Drain water from all garden hoses.

Set aside maps, games, snacks, flashlight and other items you’ll take in your car.

Prepare suitcases with items that will be needed when you arrive at new location (toiletries, sleepwear, change of clothing, hair care items, prescription and over-the-counter drugs, first-aid kit, etc.)

8. Moving Day

Please be present the day of loading. If you cannot be there, please tell us who will be there and be responsible for making decisions. We will need a contact name and phone number.

It is your responsibility to have everything packed and ready to move (see #3). Loose or small items not packaged or boxed may not be moved. Our driver’s responsibility is to load and unload the truck only. We do not do any packing!

Shipper Ready Means:

All beds disassembled

Refrigerator’s ice maker disconnected

Washer and dryer disconnected

Pictures packed in picture boxes

All glass shelving packed securely

Freezer emptied, cleaned and unplugged

All non-furniture items boxed appropriately and boxes sealed and labeled

Lamps and lamp shades boxed, sealed and labeled

Small tools in box (sealed and labeled) or tool box

Lawn equipment cleaned

Pool, jacuzzi/hot tub drained, cleaned, disconnected. Turn jacuzzi/hot tub on its side to finish draining

Please have everything in one location and ready for loading. Do not ask the driver to drive here or there picking up items – he is working on a close schedule.

Our drivers and their associates are professionals and deserve your respect and consideration. Do not make unreasonable demands of them. If they do act in an unprofessional manner, then we want to know. Likewise, the Texas Conference president has asked us to report any inappropriate remarks or demands on our staff.

We take pride in our equipment and try to keep it clean for all of our customers. Shipments that appear to need fumigation will be loaded only after fumigation has taken place. The driver will notify you if you need to clean excessively dirty furniture before loading it.

If your goods are in storage, you or a representative MUST be there to verify the condition of your goods before they are loaded or as they are unloaded and insure that everything gets on/off the truck.

Make final check of every room and storage area. Make sure windows and doors are locked, keys are transferred and lights are out.

9. After the Move

After you are unloaded, you have up to 30 days to make a damage claim. Here is our Damage Policy:

If the customer, hereafter referred to as Shipper, has followed the “Moving Instructions and Guidelines” given them in person or via fax, postal or e-mail and it is determined that the damages are due to the negligence or carelessness of the Transportation Department, the item will be replaced or repaired. The decision for replacement or repair will be at the discretion of the Texas Conference Transportation Department.

Written notification of damages incurred must be received in our office no later than 30 days after the date the household goods have been unloaded. This can be done either by filling out the Damages Claim Form provided here. Verifying pictures must accompany this notification.

If it is determined that the item is to be repaired, we recommend the shipper get three (3) written estimates and send them to our office by email or fax.

We will send the shipper written approval. When the approval is received by the shipper, the repair needs to be done immediately and the paid receipt mailed to our office for reimbursement. The receipt must be sent into our office no later than 60 days from the date the shipper receives approval notification from our office.

We will send a refund check up to the amount approved. Anything over the approved amount will be the shipper’s expense.

If it is determined by the Transportation Department that the item needs to be replaced due to damage or loss, the shipper will be given written notification either by email or postal of the amount approved.  The shipper will then purchase a replacement item.  A refund check up to the amount approved will be sent when we receive a receipt from the shipper showing purchase of the item being replaced.  Anything over the approved amount will be the shipper’s expense.

We do not give cash settlements.

Be sure everything has been unpacked and checked before submitting the claim form.

Transportation charges must be paid prior to claim settlement.

If the household goods are unloaded into a storage unit–The Texas Conference is not liable for any damages once the goods are placed into storage and the shipper or the shipper’s representative signs the shipping document showing receipt of goods.

10. Frequently Asked Questions

I need to move. What do I need to do first?

Contact the Transportation Office immediately at 817.790.2255 x2210.

I am not yet packed. How can I know the exact box count?

A very good estimate needs to be figured with a room by room guesstimate.  An updated box count can be called in as move day approaches.

Are my household items covered by insurance?

Yes, the Texas Conference has insurance for damages on move day as well as in transit.

What happens during the move?

When the moving day arrives, the van operator will go through your home to review what will be moved.  Be sure to alert the van operator to any special concerns you have.  You will also have to make arrangements for delivery, including an accurate address and contact numbers at destination.  At destination you or your representative will need to be present to answer questions and direct placement of furniture and cartons into the right locations.

Why should I use Texas Conference Transportation?

We live by our belief in placing God and the customer at the center of everything we do.  Our investment in training, equipment, facilities and technology is all directed toward continuing to hold our leadership position in the transportation industry.  Our team is here to serve you on “The Road to Peace of Mind,” and move you with “Care Everywhere.”

What do I do about labor for loading/unloading?

We will arrange to have the labor.

Do I need to empty all dresser drawers, file cabinets, etc?

All drawers do not have to be empty.  If you have books or other heavy items, it would be a good idea to pack them in boxes.  Bigger dressers are easier to move with empty drawers.  A good rule of thumb is: If you can’t lift one end by yourself, it may be too heavy to be moved without empty drawers.  Clothing can be left.  Items need to be packed tight to keep from shifting.  If in doubt, empty them.

What if something is damaged during the move?

Make good documentation of it, including pictures and contact the Transportation office within 30 days after your unload:
817-790-2255 ext. 2210 or x2211
PO Box 800, Alvarado, TX  76009

Thank you for choosing Texas Conference Transportation for your recent move. Our goal is to make each move as stress-free as possible. We want to meet or exceed your expectations. We strive to constantly enhance our services by listening to what you tell us we do well and what we could do better, to move with care everywhere.
We value your continued patronage and need your comments to help us maintain the standards you expect and deserve. Your feedback is highly appreciated, as it is key in training and rewarding staff members. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey below and return it to us at your earliest convenience.


1=Poor; 5= Excellent
1=Poor; 5= Excellent
1=Poor; 5= Excellent
1=Poor; 5= Excellent
1=Poor; 5= Excellent
1=Poor; 5= Excellent
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The Transportation Team

Dennis Habenicht
Dennis Habenicht
817.790.2255 ext. 2107
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David Lambeth
David Lambeth
Associate Director
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Claudeny Monasse
Claudeny Monasse
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Anthony Rosado
Anthony Rosado
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Consuelo Rojas
Consuelo Rojas
Administrative Assistant
817.790.2255 ext. 2106
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