Ministerial Development

The Ministerial Department focus is the church pastors and elders, including their families, within the Texas Conference. Partnering with Conference officers, departments, pastors and churches, we work to attract, equip, empower, support and retain the highest quality pastoral workforce possible.

The Ministerial Department sees pastoral ministry as the lifeblood and backbone of all that takes place within our territory in Texas. Supporting and equipping the ministry and role of the local pastor in the congregational setting is our primary focus because Spirit-filled, effective, healthy pastors and congregations have an enormous impact for the kingdom of God.

Also, we recognize the biblical role of the local church elder, particularly in view of the ever-increasing demands on church pastors and the need for lay involvement in the governance and ministry of the congregation. Equipping local church elders in their leadership roles as they serve their congregations and assist their pastors in soul winning is also a vital component of the department.

The mission of the Ministerial Department is to make a meaningful contribution to the Texas Conference vision by serving the pastoral field with love and excellence. We seek to develop pastoral leadership in five areas: Calling, Commitment, Community, Competence and Courage.


Bible and praying concept.
Ministry & Evangelism

The Evangelism Department oversees the work of spreading the gospel across the Texas Conference territory and partners with local churches for training, resources and program development

We’re serious about taking the Adventist Message to all Texas and the World in this Generation. Every believer – man, woman and child – is encouraged to participate in this tremendous and exciting mission.

Evangelism Assistance is provided to help pastors and dedicated lay members take the Adventist message and movement to people and communities who have not had a chance to hear it and see it in action, and to invite them to become a part of the Adventist Movement.

To be the best stewards of the resources we follow these principles.

  1. Provide MATERIALS to all interested pastors to mobilize lay members in soul winning activities. (e.g. Starter kits of GLOW Tracts, Baptismal Lessons, Small Group Materials, etc.)
  2. Provide MENTORING to all interested pastors to help focus the district on our God-given mission and building momentum.
  3. Provide MONEY to Growth Hot Spots around the Conference (Matching grants to districts/churches/companies where we see many people are uniting with the Adventist Movement through Baptisms/POF).
  4. Provide MISSIONARY MICRO-GRANTS for groups of volunteers who pioneer taking the Adventist message to communities who have not heard the Adventist Message and/or seen the Adventist Movement in action.

Each year your Conference Evangelism Director and Team will provide information on what materials, mentoring, money and missionary micro-grants are available and how to access each. When money is approved it will be sent to the appropriate church treasurer in trust for the project, to be managed by the designated person or group in the church.

Click Learn More to find additional ideas, tools and resources to help you, your group or church family and our Conference take the Adventist message to the entire world in this generation.



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The Ministerial Development Team

Nathan L. Krause
Nathan L. Krause
Vice President of Ministerial Development
817.790.2255 ext. 2141
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Tom Grove
Tom Grove
Associate Director for
Ministerial Development
Men's Ministries | English Coordinator
817.790.2255 ext. 2143
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Esperanza Garza
Esperanza Garza
Administrative Assistant
817.790.2255 ext. 2142
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