Challenge Accepted

Carlos Craig, currently Southwestern Union Conference president, gave the challenge when he was Texas Conference president for 500 people to give $1,000 each to the Determined Cycling campaign. The goal wasn’t to raise funds for cycling. It was to raise $500,000, or a third of the goal for a $1.5 million Texas Conference Adventist Education Endowment. The fund, once complete, would provide educational scholarships for students needing more assistance than worthy student funds could provide.

When Elton DeMoraes became Texas Conference president, he joined the challenge encouraging the $1,000 gifts. “It was then brought to my attention,” DeMoraes shared. “We have more than 300 churches, companies and groups within the Texas Conference. If each one gave $5,000, we could raise the $1.5 million endowment goal this month.”

Churches have already started accepting the $5,000 challenge, with one giving $15,000 for the endowment.

People must understand that the Determined Cycling tour isn’t just a fun ride but a fundraiser. It may only be in eternity that we see the true impact, but it is making a difference. As the slogan says, “We cycle for our health. We ride for their future.”

It’s hard to believe, but in about 45 days, on Sunday, April 2, 2023, the Determined Cyclists will begin their 400-mile journey to East Texas to promote health and raise funds for the Texas Conference Adventist Education Endowment. This is the third time they are riding for the Texas Conference.

If you haven’t been at a school when the Determined Cyclists arrive, I encourage you to join us for one this year. It is an incredible experience. Seeing the students’ excitement, seeing students talk about wanting to start cycling and seeing the appreciation of support is touching. Some adults have included the endowment in their wills because of these tours. This year, they are in talks to visit an Arkansas-Louisiana Conference school and a Southwest Region Conference school in addition to Texas Conference schools.

Would you, your church or your business consider accepting the $1,000 or $5,000 challenge? Wouldn’t it be a life-changing miracle if we could raise the $1.5 million goal by the end of this year’s tour? What a celebration that could be on Sabbath, April 9, 2023, as we join together, praising God for safety and His blessings.

Please join us in praying daily for the Determined East Texas Cycling Tour. For the cyclists, as they train. For their safety during the ride. For people to feel impressed to give.

Thank you for helping us spread the word about this important endeavor. You can find more information at or on Facebook and Instagram @DeterminedCycling. 

Donations for the DETERMINED campaign can be given through Texas Conference churches, online at, Presidents’ Challenge, on behalf of a Determined East Texas Cyclist, or mailed to the Texas Conference | PO Box 800 | 1211 W Hwy 67 Alvarado, TX 76009.

Thank you for being so helpful in making an eternal difference.

Tamara Michalenko Terry, associate director for Communication & Public Relations for the Texas Conference, joined all three Texas Conference Determined Cycling tours as support staff so was able to see first-hand the impact on the students and the determination of the cyclists. She and her husband, Randy, accepted the $1,000 Presidents’ Challenge. Will you join them?

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