Game changing!! By removing all the religious “fluff” that distorts our view of God, and focusing on what truly matters, ARISE’s insights are profound, deep, life-changing, and real. Extremely thankful for their work. —Bella
Arise Intensive affords next generations a powerful on ramp to framing faith life on the loving character of GOD. I would wish all youth and young adults to join in. —A Allan Martin, PhD, Teaching Pastor, @ygchurch
Arise is critically poised to give you the tools to understand the Bible as a story of hope that points to Jesus. I have personally been blessed by Arise and know you will too. —Michael Gibson, lead pastor, Keene church
Regular registration is closed. Please email, if you are interested in attending.
Texas | September 8-10, 2023
Southwestern Adventist University
Leiske-Pultar Gymnasium
N Mockingbird Ln
Keene, TX 76059
Friday: 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Saturday: 7:30am to 8:00pm
Sunday: 7:30am to 5:00pm
Includes: Friday refreshments, Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner, and Sunday breakfast and lunch.
This is an in-person event only. Seating is limited.
We want to send you home on Sunday fully (re)immersed in God’s love. The following is a list of three things that you can do and think about right now to help you make the most of the event.
1. Spend time in prayer; God is going to work.
God is always working. However, we’re not always aware of it or ready to listen. Taking time to pray as preparation for the weekend puts your heart and mind in a better posture to receive whatever the Holy Spirit has to teach you.
2. Begin with the end in mind.
When the weekend is done, you’ll go back to your university, your job, your life. Our goal is for you to make disciples in whatever setting God has called you to. So, come ready to discover how you can apply what you’re learning to your everyday life and relationships.
3. Plan to invest in the people around you.
One of the blessings of ARISE events is the community they bring together. You’ll be spending the weekend with people from all over the US and maybe even farther away. Make it a point to connect with people you don’t know. We can guarantee your experience (and future ministry) will be exponentially enriched if you do.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Edgar and the ARISE team