From a Speeding Ticket to Baptism

Texas Adventist Community Services’ warehouse in Keene, Texas, relies on volunteers and donors to help prepare and finance clothing kits and cleaning buckets distributed to those in need. For decades many people have worked behind the scenes by washing and folding clothes or by adding cleaning supplies to five-gallon buckets or by creating hygiene kits. Volunteers of all ages, from elementary students to retirees, find meaningful ways to help. Other workers come for a short time to complete community service requirements. That was the case for Debra Manning, who called in February 2022 about performing community service after she received a speeding ticket.

Even though she fulfilled her community service hours nearly two years ago, Manning continues to volunteer at the Texas ACS depot. A quiet person and a hard worker, she enjoys the work and the new friends she has made. When she started asking questions about spiritual things, volunteer Janice Mauk invited Manning to join a weekly Bible study. Although apprehensive at first, she soon accepted the offer.

Manning had volunteered for a year and a half when she received a flyer promoting a Revelation of Hope seminar presented by Southwestern Adventist University theology student Abigail Minett in the Keene Seventh-day Adventist Church chapel. Interested in attending, she asked if Mauk would go with her. Mauk and other volunteers jumped at the chance to accompany Manning to the meetings.

During that seminar, Manning decided she wanted to be baptized and publicly show her love and commitment to the Lord. Many of her friends went to the Keene church to see Manning give her heart to the Lord on a beautiful Sabbath morning.

An amazing woman who is always willing to help when she sees a need, Manning has been a blessing when churches or youth groups volunteer on the weekends.

And to think it all started from a traffic ticket! We never know the plans the Lord has in store for us.

Thank you for remembering Texas ACS in your giving. Support this important ministry by marking a tithe envelope, Texas ACS, by donating through or or by mailing a check to Texas ACS, PO Box 35, Keene, TX 76059. You can also give by texting ASCGiving to 41444.

Your prayers, volunteer time and financial gifts help us become the hands and feet of Jesus as we work with communities to become better and stronger.

Bo and Deborah Gendke are Adventist Community Services directors for the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

A version of this article will appear in the November/December 2023 issue of the Southwestern Union Record.

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