10 Days of Prayer | Schedule

We are participating in the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists annual 10 Days of Prayer scheduled for January 11-21, 2023, and concluding with a 24 Hour Prayer Vigil on January 20-21, 2023. Scroll down for more information.

Join us each night at 7:00 pm Central time on Zoom as we spend time together in praise and prayer. Scroll drown to view the nightly schedule.

English Zoom ID: 4077486996 | Spanish Zoom ID 99230931164

Please note: There is a maximum of 500 participants each night for the Texas Conference Zoom meeting. You can find the daily prayer requests and other Zoom meetings all over the world at tendaysofprayer.org.

Need Prayer? Visit TexasAdventist.org/prayer to share your prayer requests. We want to pray for you.

View the daily devotionals by Dwain Esmond at TexasAdventist.org/10DaysofPrayer.

24 Hour Prayer Vigil | January 20-21, 2023

Livestream Schedule:
Friday, January 20, 2023 | 7:00 pm | English | Click to view English livesteam on YouTube
Friday, January 20, 2023 | 8:00 pm |  Spanish Zoom ID 99230931164

Sabbath, January 21, 2023 | 7:00 pm | English | Click here to view the livestream
Sabbath, January 21, 2023 | 8:00 pm | Spanish Zoom ID 99230931164




Specific Focus



Lord, we come to You in reverence

Romans 12:1

God is Worthy



Lord, please forgive us

Psalm 66:16-20




Lord, we hunger and thirst for You

Psalm 42:1

Pursuing Righteousness



Lord, we pour our lament to You

Psalm 46:1-2




Lord, we exalt You

2 Samuel 22:47

Praise & Thanksgiving



Lord, sanctify us with Thy truth

Psalm 119:159-160




Lord, our wounds are deep

Isaiah 53:5

Comfort & Healing



Lord, remove our fears

1 John 4:18




Lord, hear our cry

2 Timothy 2:1-2

Country & Communities



Lord, strengthen us

Philippians 4:13

Spiritual Strength



Lord, we are standing on Your promises


God’s Faithfulness



Lord, let Thy love dwell within us

Psalm 136:23-26

God’s Power



Lord, Your mercies are everlasting

Lamentations 3:23-25

God’s Mercy


8am-1pm                                                          “Lord Remember Us”            [ In church or small groups]


1.    Pastors, teachers, elders, deacons, deaconesses and leaders of ministry teams.

2.    Our conference leaders, ministry directors, administrative staff in the Texas Conference

3.    Our children (all ages), teens, and all young adults. Pray for our Club Ministries.

4.   Outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our churches and schools.

5.    Preparation for the Second Coming and fulfillment of the Great Commission.


Lord, help us to walk in wisdom

James 1:5-7

Godly Wisdom



Lord, restore our relationships

Ephesians 6:1-4;




Lord, thank You for Your goodness

Psalm 34:1-7




Lord, teach us to abide with You

John 15:1-5

Intimacy with God



Lord, give us Your compassion

John 14:1-6

The Second Coming



Lord, make us one

John 17:21



Nightly Schedule | January 11-21, 2023 | 7:00 pm

Date Back To The Altar Focus Devotional Speaker (English) Devotional Speaker (Spanish)
1/11/23 Praying for a Reconnected Heart James Yansen (Join Here) Sergio Rodriguez  (Únete Aqui)
1/12/23 A Place of Remembering Jose Rojas (Join Here) Dervys Morales (Únete Aqui)
1/13/23 The Cadence of Life Dahana Baxter (Join Here) Nelson Montiel (Únete Aqui)
1/14/23 Rebuild It and He Will Come-Again Tenisha Tavares (Join Here) David Lopez (Únete Aqui)
1/15/23 Early Will I Seek Thee Sergio Ochaeta (Join Here) Jairo Reyes (Únete Aqui)
1/16/23 Ending the Day with God Robert Wright (Join Here) John Arana (Únete Aqui)
1/17/23 Our Most Urgent Need Paul Wilmot (Join Here) Daniel Pino (Únete Aqui)
1/18/23 Devotional Life and The End Time Message Emmanuel Nyangau (Join Here) Humberto Caldera (Únete Aqui)
1/19/23 Worship Keeps the Mind Leaquim Caitano (Join Here) Abdiel Barrera (Únete Aqui)
1/20/23 Empowered to Finish Work Livestream | Elton DeMoraes Livestream | Elton DeMoraes
1/21/23 Making A Place for God Livestream | Roderic Bishop Livestream

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