On March 2, 2021, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced Texas’s full opening, which will go into effect on March 10. Like you, we are concern that this recommendation is not in harmony with that of the CDC or other health care and medical experts. We understand the importance of “getting back to normal” but are hesitant to move ahead of those who have provided sound and practical guidance throughout this entire pandemic.
With the introductions of recent vaccines and more people getting vaccinated, a prolonged opening would be more cautious. With these things in mind, we are strongly recommending keeping the CDC recommendations in place; that includes wearing a mask, socially distancing, hand washing, and frequent sanitizing of surfaces for the time being.
Because we care about the health and wellbeing of all of our members and employees, we believe continuing to follow the health mitigation efforts will provide a safe and healthy environment for all who attend our worship services.
By God’s grace, we will not have to remain under the current restrictions for long if we continue to do our part in the fight against COVID-19 and its variances.
Thank you for you remaining faithful and protecting each other during these uncertain time. May God bless you and your family as we trust in His unchanging hands.
Texas Conference Administration