Join us each evening online (January 10-20, 2024) at 7:00 pm Central time for a special focus and prayer. Then, join us for our 24-Hour Prayer Vigil (January 19-20, 2024). The schedule is listed below the video.
Zoom link
Password: 34P6ep

Join us each evening online (January 10-20, 2024) at 7:00 pm Central time for a special focus and prayer. Then, join us for our 24-Hour Prayer Vigil (January 19-20, 2024). The schedule is listed below the video.
Zoom link
Password: 34P6ep
Texas Conference | PO Box 800 | 1211 W Hwy 67 Alvarado, TX 76009, USAÂ Â 817.790.2255Â
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